Comfit AFO is suitable for patients suffering from foot drop. Thanks to its innovative design, the product is easy, flexible and comfortable to use. The lateral strut rests close to the foot and lower leg without coming into conflict with the malleolus and it is exceptionally comfortable inside the shoe. The calf-piece is anchored by a padded tibia strap while a high level of flexibility in the sole and the strut make it easy to lift the forefoot and allow for a secure and stable gait. The standard model is suitable for most patients however for patients who need more room around the lateral malleolus, there is a Wide model available. For patients who subject their AFO to considerable wear and tear and for patients with bilateral needs, we recommend
Comfit AFO – X Strong.
Material: Carbon fibre prepreg
Hight: Small 30 cm, Large 33 cm
Highly active patients